Phone: (03) 6234 7881
Website: Nil listed.
Opening hours: 7am - 5pm Mon - FriKids menu: No, but they will make up something suitable on request
Adult menu: All day breakfast, free range eggs and bok's bacon, breakfast wraps, banana bread, blueberry buttermilk pancakes. Lunch menu includes salads, wraps, pies, and soup as well as a wood fired pizza menu with around eight different options, plus the option for gluten free bases.
Prices: Breakfast $5.50 for toast, up to $14 for the big breakfast. Most lunch items around $10 - $12
Mumma Review
A ridiculously early appointment in the city had me dragging two children out of bed, into their warmest gear and into the car on a chilly Hobart morning. 2 degrees according to the mercury, with the Bridgewater Jerry descending on us as we arrived - anyone from Hobart knows just how cold that is!
Warming up with a hot cup of coffee was an essential requirement once our appointment was done with, so we popped into Nicolatte in Wellington Court before heading back to the car park.

I often bypass this cafe when I'm in town as the three steep steps up to the door with the pram is a bit of a hassle, but I braved it today as I knew the toys inside were worth backing up and hoiking the pram up those steps, giving baby girl a bouncy ride! Once inside little mister spotted the toys lining the window ledge and made a bee line straight to them. He then kept himself busy for the entire time, cooking with the play food. So busy was he that when his babycino arrived it slowly grew cold, deflated and sad looking while he only occasionally looked up from the toys to offer me a piece of wooden toast.
I can't rave about the wooden toast on offer, but the date scone and coffee were both delicious. Thoroughly enjoyed over a complimentary newspaper, while baby girl slept in her pram. I couldn't believe my luck!
There isn't a lot of room inside the cafe for prams, but it is do-able if you are able to get a spot near the door. It's probably more of a great spot for a coffee once the pram days are over. However when I was leaving, the lady behind the counter came over to help me carry the pram back down the stairs which was nice.
Apparently Nicolatte and the tiny Ephah Cafe across the court yard are run by the same people. Al and I can often be seen outside Ephah on a work day enjoying a "No. 2 toasted focaccia" and coffee in our lunch break! Definitely a favourite! I've eaten at Nicolatte a few times in the past too, and enjoyed the food. Their all day breakfast menu is a winner in my opinion!
The babycino was a winner too. Once my little man finally got around to drinking it he was pretty delighted to find a huge marshmallow in the bottom of the cup!
I might have stayed there all day, especially since the little guy hadn't even spotted the kiddies couch with toys and books to explore, but the sudden demand of a toddlers bladder had us scooting off in search of some loo's. Never mind, we will be back another day!
I've never tried their wood-fired pizza's. Anyone got any recommendations?
Love Mumma Kel x
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