Phone: (03) 6426 2411
Opening hours: Shop hours 9.30am - 5pm 7 days except Christmas day and Good Friday
Kids menu: Available 11.30am - 3.30pm, Chicken nuggets and chips, pizza and chips, and chicken salad
Adult menu: Breakfast (9.30am - 11.30am) bacon and eggs, big breakfast, toast, bagels, or cherry pancakes.
Lunch (11.30am - 3.30pm) soup, quiche, fish and chips, squid salad, chunky beef and cherry wine pie.
All day menu (9.30am - 5pm) mushrooms and pesto on Legana bread, foccacias, caeser salad, salmon bagel.
Dessert menu (available all day) inculdes cherry pancakes, cherry bagels, apple and cherry pie, scones with cherry or raspberry jam and cream, meringue basket with cherry and raspberry compote, and plenty of cakes and slices to choose from
Prices: All meals under $20. Kids meals $6 - $7
Mumma Review
We took our first weekend away since the new bubba arrived for our sister-inlaws birthday celebrations on the North West Coast. It was a long drive, but it went surprisingly well. But can anyone tell me, why does the smallest member of the family require the most luggage?
I had my sister-inlaw survey her mummy friends to suss out a good kid friendly place for us to stop for lunch on our way home, and the overwhelming favourite was The Cherry Shed in Latrobe.Kids menu: Available 11.30am - 3.30pm, Chicken nuggets and chips, pizza and chips, and chicken salad
Adult menu: Breakfast (9.30am - 11.30am) bacon and eggs, big breakfast, toast, bagels, or cherry pancakes.
Lunch (11.30am - 3.30pm) soup, quiche, fish and chips, squid salad, chunky beef and cherry wine pie.
All day menu (9.30am - 5pm) mushrooms and pesto on Legana bread, foccacias, caeser salad, salmon bagel.
Dessert menu (available all day) inculdes cherry pancakes, cherry bagels, apple and cherry pie, scones with cherry or raspberry jam and cream, meringue basket with cherry and raspberry compote, and plenty of cakes and slices to choose from
Prices: All meals under $20. Kids meals $6 - $7
Mumma Review
We took our first weekend away since the new bubba arrived for our sister-inlaws birthday celebrations on the North West Coast. It was a long drive, but it went surprisingly well. But can anyone tell me, why does the smallest member of the family require the most luggage?
Situated on the Bass Highway, The Cherry Shed grow their own cherrys and raspberries which feature through-out their menu, as well as making a large range of sauces, jams, wines and liqueurs to take home.

Obviously I have a sweet-tooth, my lunch was dessert only. I had the apple and cherry pie which was full of delicious huge juicy cherries, but unfortunately it was let down by the home made pastry being soggy :-( It did come with a side of cherry ice-cream, which I was dubious about, I don't normally eat many cherry flavoured things really, and I was imaging ice-cream that tasted of that fake cherry medicine smelling stuff...far from it, this ice-cream was some of the nicest I've ever tasted, creamy and full of those purple, juicy cherries that were the highlight of the pie. Yummo!
The Cherry Shed caters well towards children; good pram access, nappy change facilities, kids menu as well as toys and activities. When we arrived the waitress seated us in the section that adjoins the outdoor fenced play area. There is also an indoor area that has lots of cherry related facts and questions, and a large wooden cherry tree with wooden cherries to hang on it. My little man didn't see the attraction in this, but a couple of primary school aged kids seemed to be having a ball. There is also some miniature model farms, and a replica of the cherry shed behind display cases with lots of little activities such as a 'find and seek'. Again my toddler was pretty unimpressed - most displeased that he couldn't take the tractor out to play with!
His tears quickly dried up when we entered the outdoor play area - Tonka trucks with blocks of wood to load and dump! There was also a cubby house with tea sets to cater for all tastes. He had a ball while we left him to it to enjoy our coffee.
Thanks to the mumma's who recommended The Cherry Shed to us. Not a bad spot for a bite to eat and a coffee to energize us for the long trip back to Hobart. Are we there yet?
Love Mumma Kel x
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